Saturday, January 30, 2010
Ketika cinta bertasbih...

My new skincare .....Dermedex

++ 9 Nyawa ++

Oleh Ramlee Awang Murshid
Angka 9 mempunyai makna yang berbeza pada persepsi setiap orang. Sewaktu zaman persekolahan dahulu, saya paling takut kalau mendapat angka 9 pada setiap subjek peperiksaan. Angka 9 sebagai tanda kekalahan atau gagal. Ia paling mendukacitakan. Mujurlah saya mendapat angka 2 untuk sastera dan angka 4 untuk Bahasa Malaysia.
Manakala nyawa pula adalah ‘takungan kehidupan’ pada setiap makhluk yang bernyawa di muka bumi ini atau mana-mana makhluk yang tidak terlihat oleh mata kasar. Walhal hakikatnya…pada akhirnya nanti…hanya ALLAH sahaja yang akan kekal abadi apabila sangkakala pertama ditiupkan Malaikat Israfil. Hatta…Malaikat Izrail yang ditugaskan mengambil nyawa juga akan turut mati.
Semakin dewasa…kerap terdengar mengenai kucing yang dikatakan memiliki 9 nyawa. Saya mendengarnya sekian lama namun langsung tidak singgah di benak untuk difikirkan. Sehinggalah satu hari…anak saya Muhammad Aizuddin mengatakan bahawa kucing mempunyai 9 nyawa. Bertitik tolak daripada itu, saya mula memikirkannya untuk dijadikan sebuah novel.
Alhamdulilah…novel 9 Nyawa telah selesai dan saya serahkan kepada editor Alaf 21 pada minggu pertama bulan Syawal. Sebenarnya cerita itu boleh ditamatkan pada akhir penghujung ramadan. Bagaimana pun…saya melengah-lengahkannya untuk mencari satu penamat yang tragik. Ia dinoktahkan dengan hukuman mati di Penjara Cipinang Jakarta yang dilaksanakan sepasukan regu penembak.
9 nyawa berkonsepkan drama. Ia mengisahkan cerita dua keluarga yang berada di Kuala Lumpur dan Geylang Singapura. Kehidupan mereka berbeza. Watak utamanya adalah Intan Suryani dan Hakim – seorang lelaki cacat penglihatan. Intan Suryani yang menghidap sakit jantung dipercayai ibunya Azizah memiliki 9 nyawa. Kerap kali menghadapi maut namun ajalnya masih bertahan menunjang jasad. Intan Suryani tetap bernyawa sehinggalah suatu ketika dia terperangkap dalam kehidupan antara hidup dan mati iaitu koma.
Hakim pula dapat mendengar suara Intan Suryani yang bernyawa dalam keadaan halimunan. Tragedi ini berlaku di Singapura. Antara dua kehidupan tidak menghalang untuk Hakim membantu Intan Suryani. Hanya berdasarkan suara sahaja tidak menghalang ‘mata hati’ itu untuk melihat kebenaran. Hakim yang cacat penglihatan juga menggunakan ‘mata hati’ untuk melakukan kebaikan.
9 nyawa saya sifatkan tidak terlalu ganas dari aspek tindakan watak-wataknya. Ia berkonsepkan drama yang mementingkan ‘cara penceritaan’ berbanding ‘tindakan’. Apa pun…9 nyawa masih dalam bentuk thriller. Menumpukan aspek pengorbanan yang seharusnya dilakukan secara tulus ikhlas. Percayalah…kebaikan itu pasti akan dibalas dengan kebaikan juga. Kejahatan pula pasti akan menerima hukuman. Ia dasar biasa dalam aspek penceritaan tradisional mahu pun masa kini. Yang ingin saya tekanan di sini adalah…’Mata Hati Tidak Pernah Berdusta’. Salam hormat…insya-ALLAH…jumpa lagi dalam CINTA SUFI.
Antara dialog yang dikekalkan dalam CINTA SUFI nanti adalah seperti – ‘Maukah kamu mendengar tawaranku?’ dan ‘Sebagai manusia…aku sayang padamu’.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
++ Trilogi : Hijap Sang Pencinta ++

Berita kepulangannya di Tanah Melayu sampai ke pengetahuan Sultan Melaka. Kemarahan baginda kerana tidak dapat mengahwini Haryani menyebabkan dia mula menjadi buruan orang istana.
Saifudin lari ke gua. Di situlah bermulanya satu lagi keajaiban. Jasadnya berpindah merentasi hijab masa untuk sampai ke abad 21. Sekali lagi Saifudin bertemu dengan Haryani dan kisah cinta yang melangkaui masa mekar semula.
Namun, kejahatan yang senantiasa mengiringi setiap injak kakinya masih mengekori. Kali ini tebakan musuh durjana mengakibatkan sengketa yang tercetus di langit berlaku lagi.

Friday, January 15, 2010
++ Trilogi : Cinta Sang Ratu ++

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
++ Trilogi : Bagaikan Puteri ++

" Apabila hujan turun , melimpahlah air dari perbukitan , aliran menujah ke batu , melekuk tanda waktu beralih, seiring nyawa menghanyut usia, sejalan nafas melangkah ke hujung "

Monday, January 11, 2010
AJL 24
Maka terimalah keputusan AJL 24.....
Juara Lagu 24
2nd prize...
3rd prize
Vokal Terbaik
Persembahan Terbaik
with luv,

Thursday, January 7, 2010
.... The polemical usage of the word "Allah" ....
On December 13, 2009, during the Worldview of Islam Seminar organized by the Assembly of Muslim Intellectuals or Himpunan Keilmuan Muda (HAKIM), there was a question being posted to Professor Al-Attas regarding the polemical usage of the word "Allah" by the non-Muslims.
Below is the transcript of his brief-but-yet-concise enlightening remarks. As a word of caution, though, one must not only rely on this brief transcript alone to understand the whole spectrum of Prof. Al-Attas' view about this theological matter. Further thorough elucidation of his thought can be found in numerous works of this great Muslim scholar of this age, such as Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Islam, Islam and Secularism, Islam dalam Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu and A Commentary on Hujjat al-Siddiq of Nur al-Din al-Raniri.
Question: The using of kalimah “Allah” by other people in this country Answers by Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas:
Well I have been talking about this long time ago. I remember about this in ISTAC, when we first established ourselves (late 80’s and early 90’s), I think the Arcbishop of Penang was asking this question. And I have answered that.
And then we had a meeting with the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur and about all the representatives of Christianity, including the ministers, we had a meeting at ISTAC.
And I said, “Why you want to use the word ‘Allah’ for yourself?”
They said “we going to pray in Bahasa Malaysia”
That’s the way they put it. So my answers to them, “Why you have to change praying into Bahasa Malaysia. You have been praying in English all the time. Why suddenly change into Bahasa Malaysia?”
Ok, so they said they want to change so that it more patriotic. Then in that case I’m saying that “why don’t you use Tuhan while praying in Bahasa Malaysia? Because you are talking about God isn’t it?…God is not just a name…”Allah” is a name of this Being whom you called God… and in fact a Being whom even higher than what you called to be God”
And then I said, “ …and “Allah” is not from Bahasa Malaysia. It is not a national language. It belongs to the language of Muslim all over the world. Therefore your argument using this for the word “Allah” does not fit into your idea of God. Because “Allah” does not have a son, It is not one of three (Trinity), that is why out of respect to Allah we can’t allow you to use this.“
But when we Muslim, when we write in English we say God, or when we talk to people we say God but we mean “Allah”…but they cannot say when they speak about God it means “Allah” as they don’t mean it.
So in this particular respect, we have to be clear about this, not was-was (hesitate)...whomever responsible in our governing, they have to be clear about this and to explain to others.
We agree you want to use God, then use Tuhan as we also use that…but we understand in the Malay language that Tuhan is not a translation of Allah..that is why we say “tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah” not “tiada Tuhan melainkan Tuhan”. We don’t say “there is not God but God”..at least the ulama’ among the Muslim Malays, we understand what is the meaning of that (word “Allah”).
So “Allah” cannot be translated as no language has translated Allah. The Arabs themselves they only use that after Islam..although the word existed (before)..the Christians Arab they also did not use Allah (in theological, epistemological and ontological sense in the same manner as the Muslim)..if they say that it is just a language..they talking about language..because they say “Allah” like the Muslim when they (melatah)…
So it appears they want to do that in order to confuse the Muslim into thinking that all the same..that is why I say one of the problems about religion is the nature of God..about who Allah is..that is why in Arkanul Iman (The Pillars of Faith), the first thing is “amana billah”.
“Who is this Allah?” and that need to be explain at higher institution in a proper way…
So we have answer the question. It is not proper to allow them using this, since they asking us and there is no point bringing this to court since this is not a matter of court to decide it whether they have the freedom to use it or not. It is up to the Muslims.
But then if they used it and said “in Indonesia they have use it, why can’t we?”…but it is because of the Muslims..if Muslims don’t care they will go on and use it..and in Indonesia they are using not only that, other things they even call it “choir” as “selawat”. Choir is not a “selawat”, as “selawat” is for Prophet..it’s not singing hymn..
And they also talk about..in Indonesia they are also confuse..Muslims..that is why this thing happen. Sometimes the language when you come across English words like “Prophet of Doom” in Indonesia they said “Nabi celaka”. How can there be “Nabi celaka”? What is meant by the “Prophet of Doom” is…even the word Prophet in English does not mean “Nabi” only…it means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”..that what it means…so the “Prophet of Doom” means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”, not “Nabi celaka”.
They (the Muslims in Indonesia) seem not to bother about this. What we can say is that ultimately well they say “God is not Allah”...well if you want to use the word God, we are saying we also use the word God, we refer to Allah as we know and we are not saying that your God ultimately will not refer to Allah. You can’t run away from Allah. You can only escape Him and so in the Qur’an (surah An-Naas) says: “Qul aAAoothu birabbi annas, Maliki annas, Ilahi annas”. He (Allah) is saying “ I am the real Ilah (God) of naas (mankind)”, although mankind (non-Muslim) does not interpret it that way.
with luv,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
... Tak mungkin kerana sayang ...
Langkah kita tak lagi sehaluan
Bermula di saat itu
Tidak senada irama dan lagu
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti
Tiada ruang di hati buatmu
Namun harusku akui
Tak mungkin kerana sayang
Cuma terganggu oleh perasaan
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti
with luv,

Sunday, January 3, 2010
++ Korean Drama ++
Full House (2004 TV series)

This drama attempts to answer the question of whether two people can be in love only on paper. It also explores the meaning of the family by presenting that no matter how hard the present may seem, the world is still a good place to live on because of those who bring hopes into our lives through their presence alone.
This drama features diverse characters: considerate, caring,
frank, patient, and sticking to life’s basic values. But no matter how different the personalities, everyone finds happiness in the end.
This drama is based upon a manhwa of the same title, Full House by the Korean cartoonist Won Sooyeon.
Plot summary
Han Ji-Eun (Song Hye Kyo) lives in a house called Full House,
built by her father. She is an aspiring script writer. One day, two of her friends, for money reasons, trick her into believing she has won a free vacation, and while she is gone, they sell her house. On the plane, she meets Lee Young Jae (Rain), a famous actor. Through comedic events they get acquainted during her vacation, and when she returns, she discovers her house has been sold to him.
Though they don't get along with each other, as she is messy and he has a bad temper and likes cleanliness, they agree to live with each other. At first, Ji-Eun works as his maid in order to buy her house back, but later, because of Young-Jae's wish to make the love of his life, Kang Hye-Won (Han Eun Jung) jealous, they get married. They set up a contract for the marriage to last six months. During that time, complications arise and Ji-Eun and Young-Jae become attracted to each other. Also, Ji-Eun starts to feel a strong bond with Young-Jae's family. However, Young-Jae's bad temper, along with the romantic attentions of Yoo Min-Hyuk (Kim Sung Soo), Ji-Eun's handsome and friendly publisher, starts to create a rift between the couple. So does Hye-Won, who starts to feel jealous when she sees Young-Jae and Ji-Eun getting close. Eventually, Young-Jae and Ji-Eun get a divorce and he moves away.
When he returns, he realizes that Ji-Eun hasn't married yet and knows that he has fallen in love with her - and she with him. He proposes to her, this time for the right reasons, and finally, they get married for a second time.
Han Ji-Eun Song Hye Kyo
Ji-Eun is the main female character of the drama. She is shown as an optimistic and cheerful girl, loyal to her friends. Though naive and not very smart, she is shown as a character with spunk and a good heart as displayed in her efforts to be a writer. Through the course of the drama, she slowly begins to fall in love with Young-Jae. She lives in a beautiful home named Full House (thus the inspiration for the title of the drama), which she inherited from her late parents. Her troubles starts when her closest friends trick her by sending her on a trip to Shanghai so they could sell her house behind her back and take the money. After Ji-Eun returns, she finds she has nowhere to go. The owner of the house is now movie star Lee Young Jae, whom she encountered earlier in Shanghai, and she agrees to become his wife and personal maid to work back ownership of her house.
Lee Young-Jae Rain
Young-Jae is the leading male character and a popular Korean actor, especially around girls. Though appearing to be egotistic and stubborn, mostly to maintain his pride, he has secret unrequited feelings for his childhood friend, Hye-Won. However, this starts to change as he meets Ji-Eun and slowly falls in love with her. He also has a fragile relationship with his father, who is a doctor.
Kang Hye-Won Han Eun Jung
Hye-Won is a close family friend of Lee Young-Jae, knowing them since childhood. Working as a fashion designer, she also designs most of Young-jae’s clothes. With her rich family and attractive appearance, she is accustomed to attention from men, but has ever only loved Yoo Min-Hyuk, though she later falls for Young-Jae.
Yoo Min-Hyuk Kim Sung Soo
Minas a playboy. He is smart, skillful and respected, but remains detached from most people because of his busy lifestyle. He is also close friends with Young-Jae, who confides in him his feelings for Hye-Won. Later he also starts developing feelings for Ji-Eun-Hyuk is a director of a large media company. Like Hye-Won, he is attractive and used to attention from women, sometimes portrayed .
Filming location
Full House was filmed in the Gwangyeok-si area of Incheon. Located near Incheon International Airport, the place may be reached in a ten-minute boat ride from Sammok Harbor to this quiet, seashore getaway. Unlike other filming locations in Korea, this is an actual house. Made mostly of wood, this house, which is a private-owned vacation house, cost approximately the equivalent of one million United States dollars to be built. The beach front property looks out onto open waters, with elegant views that could be used on any postcard. Many fans of the miniseries make a pilgrimage to this now famous home. Nearby sightseeing locations include Jogak (sculpture) Park on Modo Island; a bridge connects these two islands.
The first episode was shot in Shanghai near The Bund. In later episodes some parts were filmed in Thailand.
reference : wikipedia.com
with Luv,